At Pickle’s Pet Care, we offer the following services from Sussex Inlet to Bomaderry NSW:

  • Pet-sitting: up to 3 pets – $30 per day / 3 pets and over – $35 per day
  • Additional petsitting visit: $25 per day

We can visit your pets up to 3 times per day to feed, water, medicate, clean up after, play with and cuddle your pet. We generally pend up to an hour with your pet at each visit to make sure they’re happy and cared for thoroughly. If your pet has a favourite toy, let us know and we’ll have a big play while we’re there.
We also tidy up after your pets if they make a mess, bring in the mail, take bins out if necessary, and water plants. Plus we bring treats!

*Due to our nurse’s mobility issues, we’re not able to offer dog walking.
*Overnight visits have limited availabilities. Call us on 0409 832 821 to enquire.

  • Nail trims for cats, dogs and rodents: $25 for 1 pet, $20 each for 2 pets and over

We use clippers and/or a Dremel, and work slowly to reduce the chance of quicking your pet and causing pain. We can provide a desensitisation training guide if your pet has an aversion to nail trims.

  • Ear cleaning: $35

If your dog has a buildup or wax or has a yeasty smell in their ears, we can give them a thorough clean and make recommendations for further treatment if necessary.

  • Anal gland expression: $35

If your dog is scooting or licking often, they may need their glands to be expressed to relieve discomfort.

  • Wing clipping: $25

All domestic birds can be clipped – we trim the feathers on one wing to unbalance them and reduce their ability to fly well.

  • Dental checks: $35

Pets who don’t regularly eat bones or dental chews will most likely have a buildup of tartar on their teeth, which can lead to periodontal disease and even tooth loss. We can take a look at your pet’s teeth and make recommendations to keep them healthy. We can even crack off some external tartar to assess the tooth underneath if your dog allows.

  • Weight-loss consult: $60

Chubby pets are at risk of diabetes, heart disease, cruciate disease, hip dysplasia and more. We can assess your pets diet and lifestyle and make a plan to keep your pet healthy, and get to a normal weight.

  • Post-op checkup: $50

Unable to get your pet back to the vet for a checkup after their surgery? We can visit them at home and let your vet know how they’re doing, and follow any instructions they may have.

  • Subcutaneous fluids: $40

Pets with kidney disease often need extra fluid support. We can give your pet subcutaneous fluids (into the skin) to support kidney health, and make your pet feel a little better.

  • Bandage/dressing changes: $45

Has your pet had surgery or a minor accident? We can visit them at home to change their dressings to ensure their wounds heal well, and reduce the chance of infection.

  • Suture/staple removal: $25

Unable to get back to the vet to have sutures or staples out? We can visit them at home and remove them in a stress-free environment.

  • Synovan injection: $30

*Must be prescribed by your veterinarian. If you see Glynis from South Coast Veterinary Services, generally she will perform the first injection and leave the rest in your fridge for us to complete over the next 3 weeks.

  • Midwifery service: $30 per hour

Is your pet expecting and you’re not sure what to do? We can help deliver neonates and ensure the mother is not struggling. If there are issues giving birth, we will recommend an emergency veterinary visit for oxytocin and a possible caesarean. We can transport your pet if necessary.

  • Pet Taxi: $30-$80 depending on distance and number of pets

Need to take your pet to the vet, groomer, or new house? We offer a transportation fee for all small animals.

  • Locum veterinary nurse: $40 per hour

Our nurse Brittany Overton is a certificate IV qualified veterinary nurse studying the Bachelor of Veterinary Technology, and is available as a locum from Ulladulla to Wollongong.



*If your reside in the Nowra/Bomaderry areas, there may be an additional long-distance fee of $10.

Disclaimer: Please note that as we are a veterinary nurse, I cannot legally make a diagnosis or prescribe medications. I can however give you suggestions, triage your pet, and link you with a call-out veterinarian if you require.

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