What can/can’t we do?

We at Bay & Basin Vet Nurse Service have a lot of things that we can do for your pet, and we encourage you to send us a query if your pet needs a service that’s not listed, however we’d just like to clarify that we don’t perform these services for the following reasons:

Vaccinations – These are classified as a medication, and legally requires a veterinarian to prescribe, administer and sign certificates

Grooming – There are SO many local small businesses who offer grooming, so we don’t want to take away from those who were already established. And we’re just not trained in grooming!

Non-anaesthetic dental cleaning – It is not possible to properly clean and polish teeth to a gold standard while your pet is awake.
It is recommended to get x-rays to determine the health of the teeth under the gums (because we just can’t see how much is going on – think of it like an iceberg), and it’s not possible to correctly remove plaque by hand. Hand scalers create small scrapes in the enamel of the teeth, making the perfect place for bacteria to grow, so plaque will build up quicker than before. It also isn’t possible to clean under the gum line or the insides of the teeth whilst awake.

Plus the possibility of getting bitten!

We can ONLY do this for elderly pets who cannot go under anaesthesia due to heart, renal or liver disease

Training – This is the same situation as Grooming – there are wonderful local trainers who we can recommend, however we don’t have extensive dog training certification.
We love Bark Busters and Paradise Pet Parks!

We can however help with behaviour, as this is a seperate issue (and we specialise in feline, bunny, and nervous dog behaviour!)

Microchipping – We aren’t certified to implant microchips unless directed by a vet (We’re working on this) We recommend Bay and Basin Microchipping through Bay and Basin Boutique Pet Boarding.


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